The article is dealing with the principles of administrative procedural law of Serbia but is also of importance from the point of... read more →
In the paper author analyzes actual condition of public notaries in Serbian company law, regarding chosen questions. In the first part of... read more →
The author in the following paper examines the lack of functionality, as one of the requirements for design protection. At first, he... read more →
This paper considers the legal nature of „del credere“ clause in some commercial contracts based upon contract of agency. Therefore, the author... read more →
The employer is obliged to respect employees’ rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the laws, whereas he can provide the employees with... read more →
The aim of this Paper is recognition of different levels of anticompetitive risk of a vertical agreement and resultant decission about... read more →
CJEU in Sumal judgment (C-882/19, para 51) adjudicated that in circumstances where the existence of an infringement of Article 101(1) TFEU has... read more →
Introduction of mandatory mediation for professionals is one of the most important legal novelties of Law on consumer protection (2021). But... read more →
In a time when the purchase of real estate – especially apartments – is largely financed by long-term loan agreements, and... read more →
This article deals with the right of the buyer to reduce price in the case of the seller’s breach of contract on... read more →