Maja Stanivuković
In this paper, the author provides an overview of the main characteristics of international commercial courts, their composition and jurisdiction, as well as private international law instruments that ensure the recognition and enforcement of their decisions abroad. International commercial courts are national courts of international jurisdiction. They are established by individual states that aspire to be or become significant global centres for the resolution of commercial disputes. They are characterized by a certain degree of internationalization, reflected in their ability to conduct proceedings in the English language and in the origin of judges, who are, in some instances, foreign nationals. Some international commercial courts adjudicate cases according to common law rules, even though they are based in countries with legal systems based on continental law or Sharia law. The procedural rules before most of these courts incorporate elements of arbitral procedural rules and alternative dispute resolution methods. They generally have jurisdiction in commercial disputes with an international element, and they recognize a written choice-of-court agreement of the parties as the basis for international jurisdiction. In this regard, there is no requirement for any connection with the state where the court is based for valid submission to jurisdiction.
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