Jovana Mihajlović, Ivana Terzić Danilović
In this paper, the authors strive to define the activities of virtual currency services provider and, regarding the nature of those activities, to emphasize certain specific features of the rules regulating its business. Having this in mind, at the first place the crucial characteristics of certain virtual currency services are analysed, with underlying distinction between some, at the first glance, similar activities and with pointing out the role of the supervisory authority in determining the nature and domain of this activities regarding the best supervisory standards. There-after, the review of certain aspects of business is given reflecting requirements applicable to those high-risk subjects whose aim is to provide appropriate risk management. Finally, regarding the role of supervisory authority in conducting business of this subjects, the special emphasis is on supervision so the types of supervision, as well as measures that can be used by the supervisory authority are clarified etc.
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