Predrag N. Cvetković
Technology is advancing exponentially, while knowledge of technology is growing linearly. This is the very reason for a disruptive effect technological progress often has on all areas of society including law. The discipline that studies the application of technology to law is called LegalTech. In economic terms, LegalTech connects the technology market with the legal services` providers. Using he degree of influence of technology on the traditional tasks of the legal profession as the criterion, the field of LegalTech is divided into LegalTech 1.0, 2.0. and 3.0. The development of LegalTech includes the following areas: text analysis, information research, automation of legal services and predictive analysis of legal issues. Created as a result of digitalization, LegalTech is here to stay. The efforts of the academic community are crucial for the legally regulated, technologically balanced, and socially controlled development of the LegalTech phenomenon. The application of technology in law does not mean automation at all costs: it should be based on the complementarity of human efforts and the performance technology delivers in the process of providing legal services’ optimal quality.
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- Цветковић Предраг Н., „Синтеза правног текста и програмског кода: случај рикардијанског уговора“, Зборник радова Правног факултета у Нишу, бр. 90/2021. (Cvetković Predrag N., „Sinteza pravnog teksta i programskog koda: slučaj rikardijanskog ugovora“, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, br. 90/2021)
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