Milica Njegovan
Kritike upućene procesnom mehanizmu rešavanja sporova između stranih ulagača i država prijema ulaganja, odnosno investicionoj arbitraži, dovele su do različitih predloga i pokušaja nalaženja optimalnih reformskih opcija. U okviru UNCITRAL-ove Radne grupe III, od 2017. godine razmatraju se predlozi različitih zainteresovanih strana. U ovom radu analizirane su glavne zamerke na dominatni sistem rešavanja investicionih sporova, kao i osnovne reformske opcije koje figuriraju u literaturi i praksi međunarodnih organizacija, prevashodno UNCITRAL-a. Iako je taj proces još uvek u toku, evidentno je da, s jedne strane, postoji pluralizam različitih interesa i predloga glavnih aktera međunarodnog investicionog prava, dok se, s druge strane, uočava postojanje šireg konsenzusa o neophodnosti određenih reformi u cilju uspostavljanja i jačanja doslednosti, ujednačenosti i predvidljivosti arbitražnih odluka. Određene reforme se već implementiraju u praksi putem novih investicionih ugovora.
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- Dodge Kirstin, Barnett Jonathan, Macedo Lucas, Kulig Patryk, Victoria Gomez Maria, Can Third-Party Funding Find the Right Place in Investment Arbitration Rules?, dostupno na adresi:, 3. 7. 2022.
- Đundić Petar, „Učešće lica koja nisu stranke u arbitražnom postupku i zaštita javnog interesa pred arbitražnim sudom IKSID“, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, br. 3/2012.
- Maria Alvarez Gloria, Blasikiewicz Blazej, van Hoolwerff Tabe, Koutouzi Keoplatra, Lavranos Nikos, Mitsi Mary, Spiteri-Gonzi Emma, Verdegay Mena Adrian, Willinski Piotr, „A Response to the Criticism against ISDS by EFILA“, Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 33, Nr. 1/2016, dostupno na adresi:;jsessionid=399660358F1161DCEAA1719F16E64DDE?sequence=1, 2. 7. 2022.
- Masumy Naimeh, ISDS Reform: The Dimmining Yet Discerning Voices of the Global South States, dostupno na adresi:, 17. 5. 2022.
- McInerney-Lankford Siobhán, Corredor Vasquez Manuela, UNCITRAL WGIII and Human Rights: towards a more balanced ISDS System? 2020, dostupno na adresi:, 3. 7. 2022.
- Reinisch August, „Investment Arbitration – The Role of Precedent in ICSID Arbitration“, Austrian Arbitration Yearbook (eds. Christian Klausegger, Peter Klein, Florian Kremslehner, Alexander Petsche, Nikolaus Pitkowitz, Irene Welser, Gerold Zeiler), Vienna, 2008.
- Roberts Anthea, „Incremental, Systemic, and Paradigmatic Reform of Investor-State Arbitration“, American Journal of International Law, Vol. 112, Nr. 3/2018.
- Sinclair Anthony, „ICSID Arbitration: how long does it take?“, Global Arbitration Review, Vol. 4, Nr. 5/2009.
- Stanivuković Maja, „Javnost i tajnost arbitraže“, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, br. 2/2018.
- Stanivuković Maja, Međunarodna arbitraža: sa odabranim prilozima, Beograd, 2013.
- Svoboda Ondřej, „Current State of Transparency in Investment Arbitration: Progress Made But Not Enough“, dostupno na adresi:, 17. 5. 2022.
- Schill Stephan W., „Enhancing the Legitimacy of International Investment Law: Conceptual and Methodological Foundations of a New Public Law Approach“, Virginia Journal of International Law, Vol. 52, Nr. 1/2011.
- Schmidt Sharon, Austria: Thoughts on the legitimacy, sustainability and future of ISDS in times of crisis, 2020, dostupno na adresi:, 28. 6. 2022.
- Tienhaara Kyla, „Regulatory Chill and the Threat of Arbitration: A View from Political Science“, Evolution in Investment Treaty Law and Arbitration (eds. Chester Brown, Kate Miles), Cambridge, 2011.
- Titi Catharine, „Who’s Afraid of Reform? Beware the Risk of Fragmentation“, AJIL Unbound, Vol. 112, 2018.
- Franck Susan D., „The Legitimacy Crisis in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Privatizing Public International Law Through Inconsistent Decisions“, Fordham Law Review, Vol. 73, Nr. 4/2005.
- Cvetković Predrag, Međunarodno pravo stranih investicija, Beograd, 2007.
- Collet Pierre, „The current European Union investor state dispute settlement reform: a desirable outcome for investment arbitration?“, NYU Journal of International Law, Vol. 53, Nr. 3/2021.
- Commission Jeffrey, „The duration costs of ICSID and UNCITRAL investment treaty arbitrations“, Vannin Capital Funding in Focus, 2016, dostupno na adresi:, 5. 7. 2022.
- Choiniere Haden, Maksimov Vladislav, „Investor–State Dispute Settlement and Sustainable Development: Negative Externalities and a Need for Reform“, AIB Insights, Vol. 22, Nr. 1/2022, dostupno na adresi:, 15. 5. 2022.
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