Vladimir Čolović
Tontine insurance is tied to life insurance. This type of insurance is also a type of mutual insurance. However, we must look at tontines separately, having in mind its origin and goal. Tontine insurance originated in the 17th century and was developed in England and the United States, until the beginning of the 20th century, when it became banned. Tontine insurance at an early stage contained elements of group annuity insurance, group life insurance and lottery. Today, tontine insurance is a type of fund within which policyholders, i.e., members, agree to jointly capitalize, i.e., finance their contributions to the fund and to divide the capitalized assets between those policyholders who reach a certain age and the heirs of the deceased insured. The Act on Insurance of the Republic of Serbia also regulates tontine insurance. The author pays attention to the provisions of EU law in this area.
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