Submitted papers should meet the standards of scientific papers in terms of scope and scientific apparatus. The standard length of the paper is 1 author’s sheet (16 typed pages), i.e. a maximum of 1.5 author’s sheet (24 typed pages).
The papers should be written in the font Times New Roman 12. Notes to the text are given at the bottom as footnotes, font Times New Roman 10.
Article must contain, in the beginning, the title, full name of (all) authors, the full (official) name and the seat (including the country) of the institution where the author is employed. In the footnote on the first page e-mail address of (all) authors should be indicated.
The paper must contain a summary (abstract), with basic research goals, methods, results, and conclusions. An abstract of the article should contain up to 150 words.
After the abstract, the paper must contain key words that describe in the best way the content of the article suitable for indexing and search purposes. The number of key words cannot exceed 5.
The paper must contain a list of references with bibliographical sources (articles, monographs, etc.) and is provided in a separate section after the text of the article. References should be in alphabetical order of the author’s surname.
References that were originally published in the Cyrillic alphabet are also cited with the Latin version in brackets.
The title should be centred, typed in capital letters. The titles in article must have the following format:
1) First level headlines – centred; numbering: Roman number (e.g., I, II, III etc.); the first letter is capital and the other is lowercase.
2) Second level headlines – centred; numbering: Arabic numeral with point (e.g., 1., 2., 3. etc.); the first letter is capital and the other is lower case.
3) Third level headlines – centred; italics (italics); numbering: lowercase alphabet with closed parenthesis (e.g., a), b), c), etc.); the first letter is capital and the other is lowercase.
4) Fourth level headlines – centred, numbering: Arabic number with closed parentheses (e.g., 1), 2), 3), etc.); the first letter is capital and the other is lowercase.
I Term
1. Terminology
a) Terminology in Comparative Law
1) German Law
Articles should be submitted in electronic form to the following address: The receipt of all papers will be confirmed by e-mail. The editorial board will consider the suitability of all papers to undergo a peer review process. The review process involves a double – blind peer review. The editorial board reserves the right to adapt the article to the unique editing standards and spelling rules of Serbian and English.
1. Books
a) Books are cited as follows:
Author’s first name, author’s last name, title written in italics, if a book has more than one edition – the number of the edition, place of publication, year of publishing, page number.
Example: Roy Goode, Commercial Law, 3rd edition, London, 2004, 429.
b) If there is more than one author of a book, their names should be separated by commas.
Example: Hubert de Vauplane, Jean-Pierre Bornet, Droit des marches financiers, 3e edition, Paris, 2001, 243.
c) A book prepared by an individual as an editor is cited by stating after the first and last name in brackets the abbreviation „editor“ or the abbreviation „ed.“ or the corresponding mark in the language in which the book is published.
Example: Fidelis Oditah (editor), The Future for the Global Securities Market, Oxford, 1996, 74.
Roger Brownsword, Rob A.J. van Gestel, Hans-W. Micklitz (Eds.), Contract and Regulation: A Handbook on New Methods of Law Making in Private Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham – Northampton, 2017.
Heinz-Dieter Assmann, Rolf A. Schutze (Hrsg.), Handbuch des Kapitalanlagerechts, Munchen, 1990, 55.
d) Repeated citations to the same author should include only the first letter of his or her name with a full last name, and finally the page number.
Example: R. Goode, 431.
e) If two or more references to the same author are cited, they should include only the first letter of name with a full last name, followed by the year of publication in brackets, and finally the page number.
Example: R. Goode (2010), 107.
2. Articles
a) Articles are cited as follows:
Author’s first name, author’s last name, open quotation marks, article title, closed quotation marks, journal name in italics, volume number, issue number and year, page number.
Example: Holger Fleischer, „Supranational corporate forms in the European Union: Prolegomena to a theory on supranational forms of association‘s Common Market Law Review, Nr. 6/2010, 500.
Klaus J. Hopt, „Aktionarskreis und Vorstandsneutralitat“, Zeitschrift fur Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Nr. 4/1993, 535.
b) If there is more than one author of an article, their names are separated by commas.
Example: Michael C. Jensen, William H. Meckling, „Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure“, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 3, 1976, 307.
c) When paper, i.e., an article published within a collection of papers or book, prepared by another person as an editor, is cited as follows:
Author’s first name, author’s last name, open quotation marks, article title, closed quotation marks, title of the collection of papers, or books in italics, in brackets abbreviation “editor” or “ed.” („editor“ or „ed.“), etc., and the full name of the editor, if possible, the serial number of the issue, the place of publication, the year of publication, the page number.
Example: Roy Goode, „The Nature and Transfer of Rights in Dematerialised and Immobilised Securities“, The Future for the Global Securities Market (ed. Fidelis Oditah), Oxford, 1996, 110.
d) When citing a single article by a particular author, the repeated citation indicates the first letter of the author’s first name with the author’s last name, followed by the page number.
Example: R. Goode, 164.
e) If more articles of the same author are cited, the repeated citations shall indicate the first letter of author’s first name with last name, followed by the year of publication in brackets, and finally the page number.
Example: R. Goode (2014), 184.
f) In case the author has more than one publication in the same year that are cited, the Latin
letter a, b, c, d etc. shall be added in the order in which papers are cited, followed by the page number.
Example: R. Goode (1995a), 16.
3. Statutes and other regulations
a) Regulations are cited as follows:
Complete title, followed by the name of the official publication in italics, the number and year of publication, abbreviation art., para. under, point etc.
Example: Law on Commercial Companies, Official Gazette RS, Nr. 36/2011, 99/2011, 83/2014, 5/2015, art. 15.
The Companies Act 2006, 2006 c. 46, art. 12.
Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC, Official Journal L 257, 28.8.2014, art. 9 para. 1 under c).
b) If statute is going to be cited repeatedly in article, an acronym can be provided on the first mention of a given statute or other regulation.
Example: Law on Payment Transactions – LPT, Official Gazette of RS, Nr. 139/2014, art. 4 para. 2.
The Companies Act 2006 – CA 2006, 2006 c. 46, art. 12.
c) Article, paragraph and point of statute or regulation is cited with abbreviation art., para. p/under. etc.
Example: art. 24 para. 1 p. 5 or art. 24 para. 1 under. 5
d) During the repeated citing of particular statute or regulation its full name is provided, i.e., acronym provided during the first citation, abbreviation art. para. p. etc.
Example: Law on commercial companies, art. 7.
LPT, art. 25.
CA 2006, art. 170.
Regulation (EU) No 910/2014, art. 9.
e) Regulations, codes, and other acts, if not English, are cited as follows:
Full name of statute or other regulation, year of publication, i.e., adoption, open bracket, full
name of statute or regulation in original in italics, possibly abbreviation provided for future citations, closed brackets, abbreviation art. par. etc.
Example: German Commercial Code from 1897 (Handelsgesetzbuch), par. 29.
4. Internet sources
a) Internet sources are cited as follows:
First and last name of author, i.e., name of organization which prepared the text, title, possibly place and year of publishing, source address in italics (remove hyperlink), date of visiting the source page, and page number.
Example: Giovannini Group, Cross-Border Clearing and Settlement Arrangements in the European Union, Brussels, 2001, available at: ternal_market/financialmarkets/docs/clearing/first_giovannini_report_en.pdf, 21. 10. 2008, 18.
Horst Eidenmuller, Jan Lasak, The Czech Societas Europaea Puzzle, ECGI Law Working Paper No. 183/2011, December 2011,, 1. 11. 2019, 6.
b) During the repeated citing of internet source, it should be indicated the first letter of the author’s name with comma and last name of author, i.e., name of the organization which prepared the text, title, and page number.
Example: Giovannini Group, Cross-Border Clearing and Settlement Arrangements in the European Union, 6.
H. Eidenmuller, J. Lasak, The Czech Societas Europaea Puzzle, 7.