Sanja Stojković Zlatanović
IV industrial revolution and digitalization of production and labour have a positive impact on economic and social development. However, consideration and analysis of the challenges of adapting the existing international legal framework in terms of guidelines for redefining national policies and responding to changes in the field of work are necessary to ensure decent working conditions and protection of the basic rights of employees. By applying the normative, comparative-legal, and axiological method, the paper aims to identify basic legal issues of the status of workers regarding changes caused by the IV industrial revolution. After determining the theoretical-conceptual framework of the so-called platform work, the advantages and disadvantages of using Internet technology in the field of work, as well as possible ways to eliminate them are pointed out. Furthermore, a special focus is on the application of the Internet of Things technology in the field of health and safety at work. The worker-oriented concept in terms of a holistic and integrative approach to the subject of the research should result in the establishment of basic legal assumptions of the regulatory and normative framework of new forms of work.
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