Ilija Babić
A limited liability company is a company with share capital. Each member of an LLC can freely transfer his share to one, more or all other members by inter vivos and mortis causa transactions (mainly contracts). If share is transferred to a third party, all LLC members have the right of pre-emption. It is a rule of dispositive nature and, therefore, it can be excluded by the Memorandum of Association.
A member of an LLC who plans to transfer his share to a third party shall previously send an offer to the other members in the form of LLC membership share transfer agreement. The signature of the transferee on an offer must be authenticated by a notary. The notary shall confirm that offer if share of the transferee includes real estate or when it is governed by the special act.
If a LLC member believes his right of pre-emption has been violated, he can bring a complaint to the relevant court demanding: 1) that the contract or any other act related to the transfer of share should be cancelled, or 2) the obligation of the defendant (member against whom the claim is brought) to transfer his share to the plaintiff, i.e. that a judgment of the court replaces share transfer agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant.
The complaint can be brought within 30 days (subjective term) from the moment when LLC member had been informed about the conclusion of share transfer agreement, but not later than six months after share transfer registration in Business Registers Agency (objective term). After the expiration of these terms, the complaint will be rejected, and therefore disposal of shares will be strengthened.
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