Predrag N. Cvetković
Algorithmization is a process that enables the text of the norm to be translated into a format explaining the logical structure of the duties and responsibilities of the parties and ensuring the validity and efectiveness of the contract that is the subject of coding. Platforms and programs for algorithmization of law are based on the symbiosis of programming code and legal prose: in the analyzed approaches, Lexon achieves this symbiosis by reducing the rules of natural language to those that can be translated into code; OpenLaw makes it by using concept of Ricardian contract (part of the contract is in legal prose and part in code), while Legalese uses the language of symbolic logic to translate condensed legal wording into a programmer-readable format. The aforementioned symbiosis leads to the integration of law and programming code which results in a new legal language format with an original ontology. The foregoing ontology deserves legitimization as a subject of legal research in order to provide its comprehensive, measurable and verifable foundation.
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