Zoran R. Tomić
The paper is dedicated to different combinations of wills in the creation of administrative act as generally one-sided and authoritative. We make a distinction between two or more official wills that are of equal or unequal range, on one side, and between the initiating an on-demand procedure and administrative control of administrative acts, on the other side. The legal importance of wills complementarity in the case of the administrative act could be a triple: 1) that the lack of one official or private will makes the act disruptive within the set deadline; 2) if when making joint decisions competent authorities do not resolve in the same way, the act does not legally exist; 3) initial lack of will, when the demand of the party has constitutional significance for bringing a future act makes the act voidable unless the party explicitly agrees to its content. When it is about consent between public authority and the party in the public interest, this product is called administrative contract. In that case, there is no bilateral act without both wills.
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