Mirko Vasiljević, Nataša Petrović Tomić
Authors open the issue of liability of the insurance company management (the supervisory and the executive board) for the prevention of unlawful and inappropriate actions and influences which are harmful for or are not in the best interest of the company and its shareholders, and which are performed by persons who are closely related to the company – in order to protect consum- ers of insurance services. In this context, the authors point out the main issues addressed in this work: the Insurance Law has introduced a special regime for transactions with related persons, which deviates from the general company regime stipulated by the Company Law and has contributed to an excessive level of personal liability of the board members in the sector of insurance. However, laws cannot regulate all the different situations that might be encountered in the course of business, and they do not need to. For that purpose, certain “core” principles to be followed in all management situations have been established for board members. These are related to the fact that reliability of candidates for board directors in the sector of insurance shall be verified when deciding about the license to work as a director. For that reason, a management board member can be expected to be aware of all risks that could affect the best interest of the company, to identify it rightly and to prevent unlawful business operations. What they need to do is to comply with the insurance rules of profession, to implement an appropriate risk management strategy and to prevent all transactions contrary to the conflict of interest clause. Authors conclude that companies in the insurance sector are better protected against conflict of interest of the controlling shareholder with the company interest than companies in general company law regime.
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