Svetislav Janković
In the article, the author considers a legal position of a driver in relation to a transport service user and in relation to Uber as a transport market maker and transporter, respectively freight forwarder. The driver’s role in the Uber system is largely determined with the legal nature of Uber’s legal position by the principle of the seesaw toy. If Uber has an intermediary role, then driver is a carrier, and vice versa, if Uber has been deemed a carrier, then a driver has a role as a carrier’s assistant. Also, if a driver has been considered as a carrier, then it is unclear whether he is a public or only a private carrier, having in mind an (in)definite number of users.
In the first chapter of the article, the author explains the impact of the sharing economy and technical progress on creating a new mode of transport. Furthermore, the legal problem of the new way of providing a transport service has been highlighted, as well as a legal qualification of subjects involved in Uber’s business structure. Finally, the author concludes that a driver should be deemed as a carrier’s assistant, having in mind that Uber as a carrier and as the organizer of the transport market has a decisive influence on the whole process of transporting a passenger (from the beginning phase to ending).
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