Nikola Bodiroga
The current Civil Procedure Code has been in force since February 1, 2012. Its provisions dealing with a special procedure for the protection of collective interests, provisions regulating legal counsel, and provisions related to deadline for requesting reopening of proceedings have been quashed by the Constitutional Court. Significant changes to the Civil Procedure Code have been passed by the Serbian Parliament in 2014. According to these changes, appeal on points of law has become widely accessible for parties to the proceedings. The threshold for lodging this extraordinary legal remedy has been reduced from 100.000 to 40.000 euros in the general procedure, and from 300.000 euros to 100.000 euros in commercial disputes. Regardless of that threshold, appeal on the points of law has become admissible if the second instance court has reversed the judgment of the first instance court and if the second instance court has adopted appeal, quashed the judgement of the first instance court and decided on the claims of the parties. If these conditions for lodging appeal on the points of law have not been met, a party may lodge an appeal on the points of law if the Supreme Court of Cassation declares this legal remedy admissible in order to unify jurisprudence, or to provide new interpretation of the law, or to consider some other issues of general importance. These legislative changes have turned appeal on the points of law into ordinary legal remedy and prevented the Supreme Court of Cassation to perform its main role in our judicial system. Therefore, the Supreme Court of Cassation has proposed necessary changes to the Civil Procedure Code. In this paper, we have analysed these proposals and their impact on the protection of rights of the parties.
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