Law and Economy 2019 | Vol 57 | 7–9
- Published / 26 Sep 2021
- Last modified on / 18 Apr 2022
Editorial board /
Dr. Mirko Vasiljević [Editor in Chief]
Deputy Editor in Chied/ Dr. Aleksandar Ćirić i Dr. Nebojša Jovanović
Editor / Dr. Vuk Radović
Members /
Dr. Zoran Arsić, Dr. Nikola Bodiroga, Dr. Dragan Vujisić, Dr. Radovan Vukadinović,Dr. Katarina Dolović Bojić, Dr. Marko Đurđević,Dr. Milena Đorđević, Dr. Tatjana Jevremović Petrović, Dr. Marko Jovanović, Dr. Gordana Ilić Popov, Dr. Marija Karanikić Mirić, Dr. Ljubinka Kovačević, Dr. Jelena Lepetić, Dr. Slobodan Marković, Dr. Miroslav Paunović, Dr. Nataša Petrović Tomić, Dr. Jelena Perović, Dr. Dušan Popović, Dr. Mirjana Radović, Dr. Nataša Tomić Petrović, Dr. Nenad Tešić,
Managing Editors / Dr. Svetislav Janković, Dr. Filip Bojić
Technical Editor / Maša Mišković
Complete issue
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) ☆ - ☆, total 804
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- Reference Copy, Editorial board 2019. 7-9/2019. Complete issue LAW & ECONOMY 57: ☆-☆
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 1 - 8, total 8
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- Reference Copy, Editorial board 2019. 7-9/2019. Content LAW & ECONOMY 57: 1-8
Trademark Infringement - Guide Through the Labyrinth of the Key Law Institutes of the Trademark
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 11 - 30, total 20
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- Reference CopyMarković, Slobodan M.. 7-9/2019. Trademark Infringement - Guide Through the Labyrinth of the Key Law Institutes of the Trademark LAW & ECONOMY 57: 11-30
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 31 - 42, total 12
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- Reference CopyVlašković, Božin. 7-9/2019. Protection of Names of Cultural Landmarks in the German and European Law LAW & ECONOMY 57: 31-42
Some Questions Relating to the Subjective Responsibility for the Compensation of Damages Presented by the Copyright of Copyright on the Internet
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 43 - 61, total 19
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- Reference CopyRadovanović, Sanja. 7-9/2019. Some Questions Relating to the Subjective Responsibility for the Compensation of Damages Presented by the Copyright of Copyright on the Internet LAW & ECONOMY 57: 43-61
Liability for Trademark Infringement for E-Commerce Platforms in Us Law - Examining the doctrine of secondary liability in the context of e-commerce
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 62 - 76, total 15
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- Reference CopyĆeranić Perišić, Jelena. 7-9/2019. Liability for Trademark Infringement for E-Commerce Platforms in Us Law - Examining the doctrine of secondary liability in the context of e-commerce LAW & ECONOMY 57: 62-76
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 62 - 92, total 16
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- Reference CopyIvanović, Svjetlana. 7-9/2019. Challenge of a Trademark LAW & ECONOMY 57: 62-92
Legal Aspects of Data Storage in a Virtual "Cloud" in the Light of General Regulation 2016/679 Of The European Union for the Protection of Personal Data
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 93 - 111, total 19
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- Reference CopyDomazet, Siniša. 7-9/2019. Legal Aspects of Data Storage in a Virtual "Cloud" in the Light of General Regulation 2016/679 Of The European Union for the Protection of Personal Data LAW & ECONOMY 57: 93-111
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 112 - 121, total 10
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- Reference CopyLučić, Sonja. 7-9/2019. Protection of Community Design and Repair Clause LAW & ECONOMY 57: 112-121
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 122 - 133, total 12
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- Reference CopyJovanović, Mina. 7-9/2019. Procedural Aspects of the Application of Laws Regulating Intellectual Property Rights LAW & ECONOMY 57: 122-133
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 134 - 159, total 26
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- Reference CopyVujičić, Novak. 7-9/2019. Exemption From the Application of the Principle of Trademark Exhaustion LAW & ECONOMY 57: 134-159
Using Antoher Persons Computer Generated Appearance and Interpretation: Between Intellectual Property Rights and Personality Rights
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 160 - 185, total 26
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- Reference CopyĐonović, Andrija. 7-9/2019. Using Antoher Persons Computer Generated Appearance and Interpretation: Between Intellectual Property Rights and Personality Rights LAW & ECONOMY 57: 160-185
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 186 - 199, total 14
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- Reference CopyIlić-Popov, Gordana. 7-9/2019. Incentives to Investments in the Serbian Economy LAW & ECONOMY 57: 186-199
Protection of Competition in the Light of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 200 - 218, total 19
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- Reference CopyMarković-Bajalović, Dijana. 7-9/2019. Protection of Competition in the Light of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms LAW & ECONOMY 57: 200-218
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 219 - 235, total 17
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- Reference CopyPopović, Dušan V.. 7-9/2019. Buyer Power and its Role in Merger Control LAW & ECONOMY 57: 219-235
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 236 - 251, total 16
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- Reference CopyDanković Stepanović, Sanja. 7-9/2019. The Consent as a Cause And Consequent of the Restrictive Agreement LAW & ECONOMY 57: 236-251
About the Need of Adopting a Guidelines on the Assessment of Horizontal Concentrations in the Republic of Serbia
Authors /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 252 - 269, total 18
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- Reference CopyRakić, Ivana, Bojan Ristić. 7-9/2019. About the Need of Adopting a Guidelines on the Assessment of Horizontal Concentrations in the Republic of Serbia LAW & ECONOMY 57: 252-269
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 270 - 287, total 18
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- Reference CopyOdorović, Ana. 7-9/2019. Market Definition for Two-Sided Platforms: Conceptual Issues and Possible Solutions LAW & ECONOMY 57: 270-287
Legal-Theory View on the Dilemma of Judicial Practice of Economic Courts: Is the existence of a non-resident bank account of a foreign legal entity in a bank in Serbia a condition for a permit for a forcible execution?
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 288 - 306, total 19
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- Reference CopyĆirić, Aleksandar. 7-9/2019. Legal-Theory View on the Dilemma of Judicial Practice of Economic Courts: Is the existence of a non-resident bank account of a foreign legal entity in a bank in Serbia a condition for a permit for a forcible execution? LAW & ECONOMY 57: 288-306
- Author /
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 307 - 331, total 25
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- Reference CopyKulms, Rainer. 7-9/2019. Blockchain Law – An Introduction LAW & ECONOMY 57: 307-331
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 332 - 347, total 16
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- Reference CopyRadović, Mirjana. 7-9/2019. The Ratio and Scope of Regulation Concerning Standard Contract Terms LAW & ECONOMY 57: 332-347
Therefore, Prepare Thee to Cut off the Flesh. Shed Thou No Blood: Pretium Iustum as a Categorical Imperative
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 348 - 367, total 20
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- Reference CopyVuletić, Vladimir. 7-9/2019. Therefore, Prepare Thee to Cut off the Flesh. Shed Thou No Blood: Pretium Iustum as a Categorical Imperative LAW & ECONOMY 57: 348-367
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 368 - 386, total 19
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- Reference CopyJovanović, Marko. 7-9/2019. Legal Framework for the Accession to the World Trade Organization LAW & ECONOMY 57: 368-386
The Legal Regime of Contract for the Carriage of Passengers Concluded by Internet Application
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 387 - 406, total 20
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- Reference CopyJanković, Svetislav. 7-9/2019. The Legal Regime of Contract for the Carriage of Passengers Concluded by Internet Application LAW & ECONOMY 57: 387-406
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 407 - 436, total 30
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- Reference CopyDabić, Snežana, Katarina Dolović Bojić. 7-9/2019. Tranfer of Immovable Property in Joint Ownership by One Spouse (Domestic Partner) LAW & ECONOMY 57: 407-436
- Author /
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 437 - 450, total 14
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- Reference CopyJovičić, Katarina A.. 7-9/2019. The Limits of Freedom of Contract - Review of the Consumer Contracts LAW & ECONOMY 57: 437-450
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 451 - 468, total 18
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- Reference CopyVukotić, Miloš. 7-9/2019. Non-Pecuniary Loss of Legal Persons LAW & ECONOMY 57: 451-468
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 469 - 485, total 17
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- Reference CopyPetrović, Stefan. 7-9/2019. Changed Circumstances Under the un Convention on International Sale of Goods LAW & ECONOMY 57: 469-485
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 486 - 500, total 15
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- Reference CopyČolović, Vladimir. 7-9/2019. Transfer of Insurance Portfolio LAW & ECONOMY 57: 486-500
Principle that Insurance Distributors Should Act in the Consumer’s Best Interest - Distributor’s fiduciary duty
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 501 - 524, total 24
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- Reference CopyPetrović Tomić, Nataša. 7-9/2019. Principle that Insurance Distributors Should Act in the Consumer’s Best Interest - Distributor’s fiduciary duty LAW & ECONOMY 57: 501-524
The Right of Users of Insurance Services to Unilateral Termination of Insurance Contract Concluded at a Distance
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 525 - 538, total 14
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- Reference CopyGrujić, Nenad. 7-9/2019. The Right of Users of Insurance Services to Unilateral Termination of Insurance Contract Concluded at a Distance LAW & ECONOMY 57: 525-538
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 539 - 552, total 14
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- Reference CopyGlintić, Mirjana. 7-9/2019. Fidelity Insurance as an Instrument of Protection of the Company’s Property LAW & ECONOMY 57: 539-552
Mediation in the Field of Insurance in the Light of the Law on Mediation in Disputes Resolution
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 553 - 571, total 19
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- Reference CopyBujuklić Mitrović, Jasna. 7-9/2019. Mediation in the Field of Insurance in the Light of the Law on Mediation in Disputes Resolution LAW & ECONOMY 57: 553-571
The Problems of Determination of Political Risks within Insurance of Foreign Direct Investment
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 572 - 585, total 14
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- Reference CopyŽivanović, Filip. 7-9/2019. The Problems of Determination of Political Risks within Insurance of Foreign Direct Investment LAW & ECONOMY 57: 572-585
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 586 - 601, total 16
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- Reference CopyTošić, Iva. 7-9/2019. Certain Aspects of Corporate Governance in Insurance Companies LAW & ECONOMY 57: 586-601
Limits of Civil Liability of the Employer for Discriminatory Acts of Employees Against Third Parties
Authors /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 602 - 616, total 15
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- Reference CopyPetrušić, Nevena, Mihajlo Cvetković. 7-9/2019. Limits of Civil Liability of the Employer for Discriminatory Acts of Employees Against Third Parties LAW & ECONOMY 57: 602-616
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 617 - 633, total 17
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- Reference CopyДрагићевић, Марија. 7-9/2019. Појам "преноса предузећа" у смислу европског радног права LAW & ECONOMY 57: 617-633
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 634 - 648, total 15
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- Reference CopyBrković, Radoje, Ratomir Antonović. 7-9/2019. The Role and Importance of Economic Volunteering Companies LAW & ECONOMY 57: 634-648
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 649 - 678, total 30
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- Reference CopyKovačević, Ljubinka. 7-9/2019. European Labour Law Standards on Information and Consultation of Company Employees LAW & ECONOMY 57: 649-678
Prevention of Work-Related Injuries and Occupational Diseases – Term, Costs and Economic Incentives for Investment in Prevention
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 679 - 690, total 12
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- Reference CopyPetrović, Mila. 7-9/2019. Prevention of Work-Related Injuries and Occupational Diseases – Term, Costs and Economic Incentives for Investment in Prevention LAW & ECONOMY 57: 679-690
Workers’ Cooperative as a Part of Sustainable Economic and Human Development and Concept of Decent Work
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 691 - 704, total 14
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- Reference CopyStojković Zlatanović, Sanja. 7-9/2019. Workers’ Cooperative as a Part of Sustainable Economic and Human Development and Concept of Decent Work LAW & ECONOMY 57: 691-704
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 705 - 717, total 13
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- Reference CopyMarković, Velisav. 7-9/2019. The Right to Increase Salary on the Basis of Overtime Work LAW & ECONOMY 57: 705-717
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- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 718 - 739, total 22
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- Reference CopyBojić, Filip. 7-9/2019. Cumulation of Earnings and Old-Age Pensions - Pro et Contra LAW & ECONOMY 57: 718-739
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 740 - 750, total 11
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- Reference CopyRadovanović, Dragana. 7-9/2019. Working Relationship for the Performance of the Office of the Office LAW & ECONOMY 57: 740-750
- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 751 - 768, total 18
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- Reference CopyMićović, Stojan. 7-9/2019. Contractual Penalty as a Performance Bond for Employee’s Obligations LAW & ECONOMY 57: 751-768
Аn Annex Toemployment Contract as an Expression of the Governing Authorities and Freedom of Entrepreneurship of the Employer
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 769 - 785, total 17
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- Reference CopyBakić, Vera. 7-9/2019. Аn Annex Toemployment Contract as an Expression of the Governing Authorities and Freedom of Entrepreneurship of the Employer LAW & ECONOMY 57: 769-785
Advantages and Disadvantages of Legal Shortening of Working Time as an Instrument for the Fight Against Unemployment
Author /- Published: 2019, volume: 57, book 7-9, page(s) 786 - 801, total 16
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