Ranka Račić
The paper analyses the legal aspects of the issue related to the (im)permissibility of contracting fees for loan processing costs. This issue has recently become acute in the law of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first court decision, which determined that the provision on the costs of loan processing is null and void, was passed in the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After this decision went into effect, dozens of lawsuits have been filed before the courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina requesting the court to determine that the provision on reimbursement of loan processing costs is null and void.
Therefore, the focus of the research is on reviewing the legal framework for contracting fees for loan processing costs, as well as on reviewing the court decisions with different legal opinions taken on this issue and the consequences of passed court decisions for the parties. The analysis shows that the contracting of a fee for the costs of loan processing is allowed if these are actual costs whose content is clearly determined.
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