Aleksandar Ćirić
In the introduction to the paper, the author presents views on the importance and role of law as an achievement of importance for life, economy and relations in every society and state. With his presentations, he tries to find the connection between the law and justice, briefly referring to the understandings of Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates. The author believes that the judge’s task is to perform his difficult, honourable and responsible function in the judgment process, based primarily on the legal interpretation of regulations, in order to resolve disputes and establish a state of peace in the country, including the economy.
The aim of the paper is, in accordance with the theme of the Conference of the Association of Business Lawyers in Serbia – “Companies and Commercial Judiciary”, with the analysis of selected cases, which are examples of bad case law, to indicate the need to take measures in order to prevent and eliminate existing shortcomings in the activities of judicial authorities in Serbia.
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