Technology is advancing exponentially, while knowledge of technology is growing linearly. This is the very reason for a disruptive effect technological... read more →
Franchising as a specific method of contractual investment business has become increasingly important. The legal system of the Republic of Serbia does... read more →
In the article, the author considers the uncertainty in the price of air tickets which is manifested in two ways. The first... read more →
Before a potential assessment of the fairness of the loan fee terms, one must understand their economic essence and consequently their legal... read more →
Serbian courts do not allow appeal on the points of law (as an extraordinary legal remedy) in the procedure for... read more →
Criticisms addressed to the mechanism for resolving disputes between foreign investors and host countries, i.e. investment arbitration, have led to various proposals... read more →
This paper analyses a preliminary measure in an individual labour dispute, as an instrument of security interest of employee’s claim against his... read more →
The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) from 1994 triggered the process of transplantation of a neoliberal model... read more →