Jovan Vujičić
The article analyses the provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/771 on certain aspects concerning contracts for the sale of goods which govern the concept of goods with digital elements, requirements for conformity and the liability of the seller for non-conformity, including the associated time limits and the applicable burden of proof. The changes and additions compared to the previous rules are particularly highlighted, which is of special importance considering that this Directive has not been implemented in the law of the Republic of Serbia. Defining goods with digital elements and digital services, then new explicit criteria for durability, functionality, compatibility and interoperability, the obligation to provide updates necessary for goods with digital elements to remain conform, as well as a change in the approach to determining the time relevant for assessing conformity when digital content or digital service delivered continuously over a period of time, constitute significant advantages in the context of increased digitalization of consumer goods. The novelty is also the separation of requirements for conformity into subjective and objective ones, although, in terms of content, this has not fundamentally changed the previous legal regime.
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